CO., LIMITED A1803 DIAMOND COAST TOWER, NO.96-1 LUJIANGDAO, XIAMEN, 86-59256 86-5925654898 TEL EX 54
Verified trades
Verified customers
Verified reorders
301 total shipments
4 total customers
Ceramic Tile 16200 shipments
P O 12920 shipments
Glazed Tile 12894 shipments
Sample 12701 shipments
It 11255 shipments
Granite Slab 9 shipments
P N 7 shipments
Polished Granite 7 shipments
Tax 5 shipments
Plywood 5 shipments
Sample 17 shipments
Fumigated 16 shipments
Quartz Stone 15 shipments
Polished 13 shipments
Quartz Slab 11 shipments
Cut To 4 shipments
Stone 4 shipments
Marble Cut To 3 shipments
Granite 2 shipments
Granite Marble 2 shipments
Marble Slab
Engineered Marble