How do I know if there is data about my reference brand or requested product?

We have set up a "free trial version" with which you can already check for free what data is available in the system. Only the names and addresses of the manufacturers are made unrecognisable. This will give you an initial overview and familiarize you with our system.
Of course, this also applies to all other search queries. You can also check in advance what information is available on a particular product.

Can I also book the sourcing first and do the procurement with you afterwards?

Of course it's possible. You can contact us directly after you have received your sourcing result from us and also book the transaction through us. We won't charge you any extra.Of course, this also applies to all other search queries. You can also check in advance what information is available on a particular product.

Where does your data come from?

We use public information about manufacturers, which we collect from many different sources. We compare this data with verified trade data to get a much stronger and more precise picture about trustworthy manufacturers. The data are evaluated and ranked by us on the basis of various parameters. However, the exact data we use and how it is evaluated remains our secret.

I get a lot of results

For products in high demand there are >1000 suppliers worldwide, which we of course also have in our database. However, we have already deposited a qualitative ranking. This means that specialized and relevant manufacturers are displayed first. We work completely independent from manufacturers, which means that no one can buy a top position.

What service do I get when you handle my production?

We have a team of sourcing and procurement experts working in Germany and China. You can tell us exactly which product you want to produce and which customization you are looking for. We will take care of the rest, which means finding the right manufacturer for you, comparing offers and samples, negotiating prices and arranging a smooth production. We will then take care of the right packaging and compare different shipping options and find the best solution. In the meantime, you can take care of other important issues concerning your brand.

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