Hi. I'm Stefan from Germany. Before I joined Matchory, I was CTO for a company that helpedtechnology scouts identify tech trends and companies worldwide. Quite a similar use case and techstack to Matchory, so I felt at home from the get go. I had various positions in engineering and management in the past and call myself lucky for having had the opportunity to work in the San Francisco Bay Area for about 10 years.
As an engineer, I oversee frontend development. I've always had huge interest in usability and UX and find it very rewarding to drive ideas towards a smoothly functional product. As product owner, I help the team stay focussed on our development process and get to work with the founding team on our product vision.
I usually start quite early and like to get the most important things of the day done before lunch break. Aside from coding and managing the backlog, I spend a lot of time with Nils, discussing design ideasand bouncing thoughts back and forth, before I turn them into frontend code. On the backend-side, I take turns with Moritz on implementing aspects of our API layer.
Being the oldest teammate, I get luxury benefits such as having my very own bedroom when we meetfor workshop events :) Seriously, Matchory is a distributed team of young, very dedicated and professional people. I absolutely enjoy working with all of them. I think we manage to thrive on both, executing against deadlines and finding enough time for inspiration and out-of-the-box thinking, bothrequired for building exceptional products.
Coding most definitely is one of those things that put me in the zone. Sometimes, getting too deep intoit might prevent one from seeing the simplest solution though. 😊 However, it is very rewarding. Aside from work, I tend to lose track of time when I engage in anything music related, such asplaying Jazz trombone.
Hhmm. Quite personal. Join Matchory and you'll find out.
Depending on mood and things going on in my life, the favourite quote changes. Off my head though, Jobim's song "Águas de Março" might be the one song for me, that sums up all quotes. Listen and all is well.